Sunday, October 01, 2017

I Blame the Media

   Our mainstream media, really all media outlets, are in desperate need of a complete reboot. They are no longer serving their primary function, therefore, they are no longer necessary. If they are not necessary, then they are part of the problem. The first step is solving any problem is acknowledging that the problem exists. The media, in its current incarnation, is one of the biggest problems we're facing as a society today. 

   Three distinct groups are directly responsible for the horrible state of affairs. I lay the blame at the feet of the liberal media, the democratic party (the government) and people who intentionally choose ignorance over uncomfortable truth. It's not just the news media; it is all media, including social media. Not just collections of idiots like CNN or MSNBC, but the hee-haw gangs at FOX, Breitbart and Drudge along with the hacks at the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. As I like to point out (to anyone who will listen), they all shovel bullshit from the same pile. It's all still bullshit; they just throw it in different directions and call if fertilizer.

   That's is exactly what they're doing. The news media--virtually all genres--pushes the agenda of divisiveness. These people, who are supposed to be telling us the truth, have become nothing more than a collection of opinionated, lying talking heads.  Their clear objective is to keep us divided and looking at each other. Why? Because when we stop looking at each other; we start seeing them for what they are; vampires. They are blood sucking ghouls whose ravenous machine runs on the negative energy of hate, discontent, violence and anger. 

   One laughable story happening at this time: The NFL is learning now what the DNC learned about a year ago. In a nutshell: We're tired of the bullshit. We the people have had it with fake news, asshat-media and every damned idiot with a byline telling us how awful our President is.  We have had it with snobby jerks with liberal arts degrees telling us what we should be thinking.

   In the case of the NFL Kneelers, they (the #asshatmedia) have taken what started out as a simple gesture to call attention to a serious national issue and blown it up into a crisis of divisiveness. The vampires have fanned the flames of division, opinion and emotion until this small gesture has become a savage national street fight. The reason for the first protest is long since forgotten. That really is sad. And the media is fully at fault. (Warning, sarcasm: What a brave choice Colin Kaepernick made, coming out in favor of peace, justice and brotherhood when, clearly, everyone else was against it.) 

   A few years back, the push was to make it "illegal" to burn the flag in protest. I may disagree with that choice, but I prefer to let the flag-burners do so rather than infringe on their right of free speech. The Constitution guarantees Citizens the right to voice their dissatisfaction with the Government. I disagree with the forum these NFL asshats have chosen to send their message. I disagree with the disrespect they are showing to every Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine who ever wore a uniform. And, I think the NFL Kneelers are a whining lot of selfish, egotistical, uneducated morons who have fallen victim to peer pressure and left-wing stupid. But they still have the right to voice their dissatisfaction. I, therefore, retain the right to tell them to kiss my ass while they're on their knees. (And if you think about; isn't being on their knees kinda what they're protesting in the first place?)

   The divisiveness created by the over-hyping and mass coverage of a simple gesture is exactly what the liberal media wants. Often nowadays, they cover (read criticize) other media that is covering the same event differently. Instead of getting news, we're getting opinions, with charts, graphs and bold lettering, on how AsshatMediaCorp disagrees with IdiotsRUSbroadcasting on their coverage of an otherwise irrelevant event. (Irony: 
What am I doing here?)

Meanwhile, all of them are yelling epithets of hate and disrespect toward the President, every sentence a lie wrapped in weasel-word rhetoric. The "Russian election hacking story" is THE example of this kind of stupidity.  Every time an asshatmedia outlet comes up with a "concrete" story on how the Russians changed the outcome of the election; what happens? It turns out to be complete bullshit. CNN "fired" (allowed to resign) three journalists, including one Pulitzer Prize winner, over this exact malfunction. Yet, those idiots still keep yelling about it; and they still keep coming up empty. Here's my advice to all the dumbasses who are still chasing this non-story: Drop it. We're tired of hearing your lies and your retractions. Let it go; it didn't happen. You're an idiot if you keep trying to tell us it did. Link to CNN Story:

   It's almost like the media has an agenda and they're working really hard to get 'er done.  My opinion: the asshatmedia is still mad about losing the election and they just won't let it go.  Maybe, when we've fired them all, they'll figure it out; we don't need them; they need us.

   The whole purpose of mass media is the passing on of information. Give subscribers information they may need to help make their daily lives a little less troublesome. In this respect, the media is completely unnecessary. But unnecessary like a spare tire: it is completely superfluous until you need it. And we do need the media to do their job and work for us. Their moral purpose should be bringing injustice, ethnic, religious, sex or racial bias, into the light for examination. It is not the job of the media to fix problems. It is their job to report news and information. If they can bring an issue to light that needs fixing; that's what they should do.  But leave the fixing of problems to people who are paid to do that.  (See that SALON headline up there? Why didn't you see that little bit of information in the mainstream media?"

  Borrowing a classic line from a motion picture milestone: We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore. We're sick of it.  We, as former subscribers, listeners and viewers, have had enough. We've had enough of the lies and misinformation.  We've had enough of the sleight of hand and misdirection.  We've had enough of opinion being reported as fact.
If you've had enough; here's what you do: Start doing nothing. Don't watch news; don't watch the dramas; don't turn on the game. Don't watch mainstream television, listen to mainstream radio, read mainstream news. Take away their food source and these vampires will change their ways or they will wither and die.

  We've had enough of arrogant, smug, liberal-educated asshats telling us what we're supposed to think  We can think for ourselves. Just tell us the truth.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

North Korean Nukes and the Hegelian Dialectic

What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

In short it is a process through which change is society can be effected.

It goes like this:

We need a war to keep our military industrial complex running:

Create a problem (enemy)
Condition the population to ACCEPT the problem (enemy)
Continue conditioning until the people DEMAND the government FIX THE PROBLEM
Go to War with THE ENEMY

We are being manipulated by the government and by the news media.

Here's an Ordinary Man, talking-head video about just how much I dislike the idea of going to war with North Korea.

Friday, January 06, 2017

Intelligence Report is a Waste of Taxpayer Money

As a follow-up to my previous Russian Hacking post, here's the latest from the still-beholden-to-Obama intelligence community.

UPDATED: 8 JAN 17: Trump's Chief of Staff says it looks like Hackers did pull data from DNC computers. Not from election machines; not from Federal computers; not from State computers; from Democratic National Convention privately owned computers.

(Right: Vlad Putin in his hacker control gear.) Yep, they're telling you the Russians (probably) hacked Democrat computers. Remember: not election machines, or the FBI or tally machines or any GOVERNMENT computers; they're saying someone hacked into Democratic National Convention flunky computers and released information from the DNC that made the Democrats look bad. (I believe it was more likely a leak than a hack. I appear to have been wrong; they are saying it was a hack. However, wikileaks released emails that shows John Podesta's password was allegedly p@ssw0rd. So if you believe the wikileaks emails made the Democrats look bad, then this should fit right in. Of course, the DNC is denying it.) We know information was released because, well, we all read the information from wikileaks. What information was that? Information about how the DNC leaders stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders, who probably could have beat Donald Trump. (True) Information about how the #asshatmedia was helping by giving Hillary the questions before the debates. (True) How high-level DNC operatives considered most American voters too stupid to realize how they were being played. (True)

Yet, the problem isn't what I would think it would be: The Democrats did all these horrible, dishonest things. They've proven to be lying, cheating, conspiratorial bad people. But, according to our government and their bitches in the #lamestream media, the "problem" isn't that they were lying to the everyone and using celebrities as their personal flying monkeys. The "problem" is that somebody told on them. The report says, intelligence agencies really do know it was done by the Russians. How they know...well, that is classified. But, RT was definitely working with wikileaks. Ya think? They just really need you to believe them when they say it.

This report is a laughable waste of taxpayer dollars. It is nothing but hearsay and speculation. There are no real facts.

Read it for yourself... I feel the best part of the report was the "waffle page" where they use a whole page of waffle language to tell you that while they might say they're "pretty sure," that really only means they're "kinda sure" that what they have assessed is mostly, probably, correct. I don't make this stuff up; it really happens.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

The Laughable Russian "Hack"

By John P. Smith
Reality Cheques Editor

The whole “Russians Hacked the Election” fiasco is laughable.

Here’s a few key points to keep in mind.

1. Our “government” and our “election” was not hacked or affected. No real evidence of this has yet to surface.

2. The Democratic National Convention likely had some emails hacked. No firm evidence of who actually did that, though some trails may lead to assets in Russia.

3. The emails released by Wikileaks; leaked by someone inside the DNC. Not hacked -- leaked.

4. These are the people (Democrats) running the government. We pay them to keep Russians and everybody else out of our systems. If we were hacked and the election affected, it’s because they failed to protect our assets; why are we blaming the Russians?

5. The Russians did what they were supposed to do; penetrate our defenses. Actually, only the DNC’s defenses -- and again -- no firm evidence of that. If we don’t have people doing the same thing to the Russians, our government should be fired.

6. If we can’t keep Russian, or any foreign hackers, out of our election process, national defense systems, etc., the people running the government need to be fired.

7. Hindsight: We did fire that government: Nov. 8. Now we just need to get them out of way and hope they don’t have us embroiled in a half dozen wars before they leave.

8. A lot of the media won’t touch this story except by proxy: They’re reporting on what other media said -- not exactly saying anything for themselves.

9. Until Jan. 21, the DHS, FBI, ETC., all still work for the Obastard administration.

10. Our current government has no problem lying to you, to the media, or through the media, to further their agenda of divisiveness and hate.