Sunday, November 16, 2014

$20 Challenge Soup

Last week, I posted a video (or a link to a video) of my shot at the $20 Challenge:

The $20 prepper challenge is an informal, get-ready contest going around the underground readiness community.  Basically, acquire as much readiness, preparedness, emergency supplies as possible for $20.  Then post a video of your goods with an explanation of why you chose those specific items.  It is a community sharing and education project to expand awareness and give those on a budget an idea of how they can start getting ready without breaking the bank.

In that video, I talked about soup made from the supplies I bought. I've made this soup before, but not with the same ingredients.  So I made a batch of it Saturday morning ... and it was delicious.  This recipe will make 6 cups of soup.

Here are the ingredients:

6 cups water
7 bullion cubes (extra cube makes for a more flavorful broth)
3 cups egg noodles
1 can chicken

Bring the water and bullion to a boil until the cubes are dissolved.
Add noodles and chicken (do not drain), cook until noodles are done.
Add pepper and spices to taste.

The supplies I bought as part of my $20 challenge will make the recipe above twice.

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