Saturday, November 01, 2014

25 Years and ... Today?

I make a public announcement on this day every year, provided I make it through: 

My name is John Smith (really) and today (Nov. 1, 2014), I have been alcohol free for 25 years.

When people tell me I should be proud of such an accomplishment, I'm not intending to be a smart ass when I tell them I'm not proud; I'm thankful.  Why would I be proud of doing the right thing?  That's like an NFL receiver celebrating and chest thumping for catching a routine pass -- that's what he's supposed to do.  I thank the Lord for giving me a life free from alcohol.  There was a time when I didn't believe that was possible.

Short story:  With my second marriage collapsing in ruins and my career in the toilet, I told a trusted friend that I needed help.  I subsequently spent the most unpleasant six weeks of my life in a military rehabilitation program.  There, I found Alcoholics Anonymous.  AA saved my life by giving me the tools I needed to deal with my addiction.  I haven't been to an AA meeting in over 20 years. But I use those tools every day.

And, I have a plan.  I call it my "76 Plan."

When I'm 76, if I make it that far, on Oct. 31, 2039, when I've made it 50 years without a drink of alcohol, I'm going out and buying me a case of Bud, a bottle of Jack, a bag of good weed and carton of Marlboros.  Then, I'm going out like Jim Morrison -- I'm going to get so stoned my heart stops.

Meanwhile, I've just got to get through today... To those dealing with addiction: Ask for help. And don't give up hope.  

To see the accompanying video for this article, go here:

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