Monday, September 07, 2020

Be ready. Be prepared. Be vigilant.


By John P. Smith

Independent Journalist

    Be ready. Be prepared. Be vigilant.

    We’ve started calling the Democrats and their militant sycophants the Intolerant Left. That’s accurate. They hate us. The irony is palpable. They’re so open-minded and welcoming of nontraditional lifestyles and ideas, that they will physically beat anyone who doesn’t see things their way. Anyone who shows patriotism or support for President Donald Trump is labeled as the enemy.

    Democrat mayors and governors, either too stupid or too afraid to do their duty, have allowed their militant cohorts to act like spoiled children. They’re breaking their own toys and blaming us. I mean us. The single focal point of their hate is President Donald Trump. But they hate us, too. Because we disagree with their hate, we don’t believe it’s deserved, therefore we are also targeted.  

    The democrat lapdog media gives them all the support they can muster. It is all about repeating the narrative until everyone believes it. This is the reason Hillary Clinton lost the last presidential election. These media idiots bought into their own bullshit narrative. They started to believe it. Until the truth was revealed in the election apocalypse of 2016. Then, it turned out that no matter how often you tell yourself that lie -- it’s still a lie. And the media does nothing but lie. They don’t give a flying fart-cicle about the truth. The recent "hit piece" in The Atlantic about how the President disrespected fallen soldiers is only the latest example of outright lying. It's a lie; but it fits the narrative. Only the narrative matters because it pushes the agenda.

    What is the agenda?

    The immediate agenda is to get Donald Trump out of the White House. Once that’s accomplished, it’s on to globalism and state socialism. Their big problem is that Trump is about to win in a historically huge landslide. The Democrats know it and they’re already working to soften us up to disavow the results. Their plan is to never concede the re-election to Donald Trump. They will see this country burn first. 

     Aren’t they already doing that?

    And how do Democrat mayors or governors who are under actual physical attack by Burn, Loot and Murder still refuse to call them out for what they are: Terrorists? There’s an old saying that people would rather be wrong than admit they’ve been fooled. In this case, they’re doubling down, because they’ve certainly been fooled and they were wrong in the first place. Burn, Loot and Murder is attacking them IN THEIR HOMES and they still won’t make a move to stop them? At some point, we have to just call them stupid. They are not being held hostage; they are willingly complying with the demands of terrorists and thugs. And now that they have let it go on so long, it has metastasized into a malignant, festering cancer that will be really hard to excise.

    One positive in this whole fiasco: The Burn, Loot and Murder mob is only destroying their own cities. They have, so far, only looted cities run by democrat mayors and councils. Is it because they don’t have bus fare to get to a Republican city? Or because they know that’s a bad plan? I can’t see where burning your own home is a good plan. Especially when President Trump just canceled your Federal insurance. Idiots.

    So, let me be clear:  The ammo is completely bought up. The shelves are empty of guns. We Second Amendment supporters are welcoming a huge number of new gun owners. While you Burn, Loot and Murder thugs and Antifa Asshats were out destroying your own neighborhoods, we were busy, too: Combat boots pulled out of the back of the closet. Rifles, shotguns and handguns cleaned and polished -- after practice. Backpacks kitted and stored by the ammunition. Yeah, we’ve been quiet; but we’ve been busy.

    Post election day, when the police are told to “Stand Down” and let the losers have the streets, that’s when WE STAND UP and clear them ourselves.

    Patriots, be ready.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It staggers the imagination that these democratic governors and mayors are blatantly perpetuating the chaos. Also, and to your point, every last bit of this is playing out in democratically controlled cities. I think that you were on point as well when you questioned why these thugs haven't tried this in more conservative republican ran cities huh? Great points John! Dennis Quick