Saturday, September 19, 2020

Speculation and Preparation

How to Prepare

By John P. Smith
Independent Journalist

I am not an expert on civil war survival.

The information below is some of how I have been getting ready.

This article is, of course, a lot of speculation. What is NOT speculation is that the Demoblivots are already laying plans and making changes to cheat and steal the coming election. Moreover, they’ve formulated plans to violently contest the results when Trump wins anyway. This is not speculation: But you have to see this for yourself to believe it. Use a non-biased search engine such as DuckDuckGo. 

  • Look up Hillary Clinton telling Joe Biden not to concede the election no matter what.

  • Look up the “Transition Integrity Project.” Integrity has nothing to do with it. This group is a liberal think tank looking for ways to usurp the results in the coming election. They’ve already started in Pennsylvania and Michigan with Democrat-controlled state supreme court rulings on how to count election ballots AFTER the election. 

  • Look up, “Liberal plans to fight election results” and read some of the articles on how militant groups intend to dispute the results with violence. 

  • Look up how mainstream and social media has already announced that they WILL NOT announce a winner on election night, even if Trump wins in a landslide. The intention is to refute the results. 

This isn’t a joke. It’s a real situation that you have to see for yourself to understand what’s coming.  Find the information above and read it. Look at it. Understand it. These are their words and their plans.

In the short term, if you’re not ready now, you may not have enough time to fully prepare. At a minimum, have food and water for a month for everyone. WWW.FEMA.GOV has an emergency supply checklist that will help jog your memory when you shop.

Their list doesn’t include firearms and ammunition. Having those will be helpful if things really go wrong. Know how to use and care for your weapons: If the fight comes to your door, leave it outside the door if you can. If the fight comes in your door; shoot until you run out of ammunition. Then you fight with whatever you have left.

My thought is that if you don’t have the following, you are already way behind:

1 rifle

1 shotgun

1 handgun

A couple hundred rounds of ammunition for each of the above.

A dozen hours of practice using each of the above.

Next: If you don’t have a month of food and a source of clean water for every person in your household right now, you’re way behind.  Why do you need this?  If the shit hits the fan and we actually break down into civil war, we will do several things immediately:  We will stop the food shipments into the liberal-run cities. We will cut their water supplies and we will take their electricity away from them. My belief is that they’ll run out of food in less than two weeks and then they’ll start eating each other. Those who don’t want to be food, will try to go to where the food is -- which is where we are. So, to keep that influx of needy bodies out of our food supply, we blow and/or barricade and guard all the bridges and patrol the rivers. We turn back, or eliminate, anybody coming across the water armed. Non-combatants will be treated as refugees. If they have a place to go that will take them (family, friends, ect.) then we’ll do our best to help them reach that destination. 

Now, while all this is going on and we’re in the process of killing each other, and the idiots in the formerly liberal-run cities are busy eating each other, it’s a good bet some of our enemies (I’m looking at you China) will consider that they may never get a better opportunity for a military incursion. It’s the whole Red Dawn scenario, but with a real possibility of it actually happening.  Imagine, if you will, that Mexico suddenly looked up at California and saw every bit of the southern part of that state in shambles with populations fleeing by the thousands.  Maybe they’d think, “Now’s the time to take some territory.” They might also look at Texas, but they know better. And Canada...just kidding...Canada...really? I guess they could take the upper peninsula of Michigan but no one would notice until the Michigan militia kick them right back up north and put out a news release.

As noted above, this is not a definitive list and I am not an expert. Much of what I’ve said here is what I have done myself. (I didn’t actually use the FEMA checklist, but everybody’s gotta start somewhere. Also, their advice on chlorine bleach is spot on.)

I've made a lot of speculation and assumption. Consider your preparations like insurance or a spare tire for your vehicle. Even if you haven't used it before; it's there when when you need it. If you're prepared to defend yourself and your family and you have a month of food and water set aside: Even if nothing happens, you still have all that insurance.

1 comment:

David Carrigan said...

Good Advice John. Topping off my supplies at the moment as I have dipped into them over the years.